Rust, is there when you buy your car?

Rust it is the single most driven car destroyer. It has the ability to ruin paint work,  eat at your wallet,  and keep coming back no matter what.
It has the ability to go into hiding  and lasts years in a dormant state. It  is resilient to most removal techniques and the single most best cure is removal of the infected area. On many cars which do not have rust treatment when they come out of the factory rust will be your the biggest thorn.
Many manufacturers prior to 1999 did not galvanise the body panels on cars,  and relied on paintwork. The problem was that the paint work had a fundamental flaw. It could get a scratched. The second biggest problem was irrigation,  cars ability to remove water from body work. The last but not least is the chemicals in the natural elements. Rain water is acidic it has become more as there are more pollutants in the air. This wears away the natural protection of the paint and allows the steel to become infected with 2 things. Air and moisture.
There are many different types of treatments out there for rust removal, but all are at best temporary measures.
Rust is by nature infectious it eats away at healthy metal until there is nothing left. When you see a paint bubble it usually is too late.
When you grind a metal to remove rust what you don’t realise is that rust leaves pits. These pits are by nature cancerous and given a few months come back just as before.
You can shot blast the pits and prime rust paint. But this again will last maybe a year.
You can use a chemical phosphorus to eat the rust but it’s only good to the area it is applying. And only 60 percent effective.
The other technique is to cut out the rust panel or replace the complete panel. This will ensure a new lease of life and the only way to ensure rust removal. 

So as wise words go be careful of the rust removal and prevention is better. Don’t buy a car with rust.

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